How to Support a Mom on Bed Rest

Mom resting in hospital bed

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Many of you started your NICU journey as a mom on bed rest. Maybe it was in the comfort of your own home; maybe it was in the hospital. Maybe it was for a few days; maybe it was (gulp!) a few months. No matter what the case, bed rest can be a scary time because it means something is not going as planned with your pregnancy.

If you’ve experienced bed rest, you may have had people ask what they can do for you. If you’ve had a friend on bed rest, you’ve probably wondered how to help. Below is a list of ideas you can share with people who ask how they can support you on bed rest. You can also use it as a source of ideas for friends who might be going through the same thing.

For anyone on bed rest:

Items more specific to hospital bed rest:

There are also non-material things that might help you when you’re on bed rest or ways you can help a friend on bed rest.

Consider these other ways to help:

  • Make meals for family at home
  • Make freezer meals
  • Clean or pick up the house
  • Help prep the baby’s nursery or assemble furniture
  • Run errands, go grocery shopping
  • Drive other kids to school, activities, etc.
  • Keep the bed rest mama company
  • Holiday prep if bed rest occurs over a holiday

If you were on bed rest, what were things that you really appreciated?

2 thoughts on “How to Support a Mom on Bed Rest”

  1. What a great list!! Just to add a few…
    -take up home cooked food.
    -gas cards for partner or family members.
    -hospital gift cards (meals, salon, gift shop)

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